In this section of our website, we would like to give you an insight into the research areas currently being carried out in our Research Groups (not exhaustive).


The following Research Groups are active in our Department:

Manufacturing Technology Research Group 


The Manufacturing Technology research group has always been an active player in the Hungarian scientific community, as can be seen from the numerous TDK and theses that have resulted from the fruitful collaboration between students and teaching colleagues. It is no secret that the results would never have been achieved without this joint work. We attach the utmost importance to good teacher-student relations in all areas.

Of course, success also depends on the choice of the right research topic, which, as well as being a pleasure for the teacher, also makes the students enthusiastic about the joint work. We will mention just a few of the topics, because new and more interesting research topics are constantly emerging.

Among our oldest research areas are the machinability of corrosion-resistant steels (two university doctoral theses), electrochemical deburring (Hungarian patent) and fine surface plasticising machining (publications). But also special finishing technologies such as magnetic field polishing, deburring and surface grinding are an integral part of the scientific activities of the research group, where colleagues have been granted several patents, including international ones. Special machining technologies, which are encountered by an increasing number of industrial players, are also included in the research programme of the Manufacturing Technology research group. Most of them are really challenging: we are investigating the machining of Ni-alloys, hardened steels, austenitic steels or even composites by milling, turning and drilling. 

For our research we use the most modern tools (TaeguTech, Walter), CNC machine tools (NCT), measuring instruments (KISTLER force gauge, Mitutoyo measuring machine and roughness gauge).

Dear Student! If you are interested, please do not hesitate to come and visit us (building 8) and together we will develop a TDK or thesis topic that will help you to achieve success and at the same time lay the foundations for your future engineering career. 


Vehicle Technology Research Group 


The Vehicle Technology Research Group's teaching and research activities cover a broad spectrum of disciplines. Our students acquire engineering knowledge in the field of Painting and Finishing, unique in the country, and we serve as a research and education base for vehicle dynamics, autonomous driving, engine development and vehicle manufacturing in the region. Our engine dynamometer is complemented by state-of-the-art particle and emission measurement, indicating instrumentation and turbo speed measurement, which together represent one of the most advanced systems in the country at Neumann János University. A related research area is the investigation of various alternative fuels. In addition to engine development and advanced operation, we are also involved in research into vehicle dynamics and the development of vehicle manufacturing technologies and materials. 


Mechanical and Laser Technologies Research Group 


The Mechanical and Laser Beam Technologies Research Group has a long tradition in the field of plate forming technologies and the behaviour of plate materials under load. Our current work has focused mainly on research into mild and high strength steel sheet materials for the automotive industry. Nowadays, with the equipment available at the department, in addition to the determination of basic ductility properties (R-n test), it is possible to perform a number of technological tests such as deep-drawing, deep-drawing, bending, etc., and to record so-called forming limit charts (FLCs), which give a comprehensive picture of ductility. In addition, our microscopy techniques are used to explore the relationship between mechanical properties and the microstructure of the material.

Our work currently in progress includes the investigation of the wrinkling of the underneath area of cylindrical cups during deep drawing, as well as theories estimating the limits of ductility. In the first case, in addition to performing and evaluating practical deep drawing tests, our aim is to use finite element methods to provide the result variables describing the wrinkling of the rim area, thus providing a numerical solution to the wrinkling criterion of any arbitrary component. In the latter case, among our existing results, we highlight a paper on the parameter sensitivity of stress-based forming limit diagrams to yield curve parameters, published in the European Scientific Association for Material Forming in 2018.


Polymer Technology Research Group 


Our research group is involved in the production, development, production technology and materials testing of various thermoplastic polymers, polymer blends, polymer-based composites and nanocomposites. Clay minerals and carbon nanotubes are used as reinforcing materials in these polymer blends. Thermoplastic materials are processed by applying heat to the raw material to bring it into a malleable state, and then by heat extraction to shape the malleable material to fix its shape and dimensions. 

In terms of production technology, we deal with different technologies such as:

  • 3D printing, 
  • Injection moulding, 
  • Extrusion and 
  • Thermoforming


We pay particular attention to manufacturing technologies: 


  • Manufacturing tools, materials, machines and peripherals, 
  • The optimisation of process settings, 
  • The potential of manufacturing technology applications, 
  • Optimization of plastic processing equipment 


As a material testing procedure, mechanical, thermoanalytical and rheological procedures are carried out on different virgin and recycled polymers. We will also deal with the rheology of slurries, the flow properties of plastic materials in a malleable state and the laws of their variation. Viscosity and flowability are frequently mentioned concepts in the dynamic field of plastics, and are investigated as a function of external conditions. In addition, microscopic examination of the finished nanocomposites is also important to reveal the compositional and surface properties of the finished material. The applicability of nanocomposites in the automotive industry and other industries will then be investigated.