Dear Visitors!


We are pleased to announce that the official website of the Department of Innovative Vehicles and Materials at the GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Neumann János University, is now live! We would like to keep in touch with our visitors, students and interested parties through this interface. Click on the link below for community content related to the department:




We are constantly updating our content, both in the field of research (TDK topics, student collaborations, industrial links) and in the field of education (new subjects, guest lectures, curiosities, etc....).

You can download our brochure summarising the department's competences here:


2024. július 10.

Kashif Ullah Khan, a professor from India, has joined the Department of Innovative Vehicles and Materials of our university. We wish him every success in his scientific activities!

2023. június 05.

Students from three countries came to the GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and the Faculty of Economics to participate in joint professional programmes and internships with Hungarian students.

2023. február 06.

Our university's pride and joy, the Megalux solar racecar, has arrived in Sharjah.

2023. február 01.

We were honoured to host the "Transport of the Future" event, which was part of the Neumann Year.

2023. január 24.

In the cooperation of four different universities in four different countries, a completely new course will start at 2023 Spring. For more info: CLICK

2023. január 16.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications for the Prime Foundryman Camp in July

2022. december 11.

This December, the traditional Technical and Materials Science Conference (MASZK) was held at the John von Neumann University. This December, the traditional Technical and Materials Science Conference (MASZK) was held at the John von Neumann University.

2022. november 23.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the GAMF faculty's spectacular travelling truck will once again visit a number of secondary schools to help prospective students make career guidance decisions.

2022. október 11.

Our colleagues attended the Hydrogen Dialogue conference in Nuremberg, where they maintained and expanded our university's contacts.