Leader of Mechanical- and Laser Beam Technologies Research Group
Office: Diodelaser Center/8/2
Email: beres.gabor@nje.hu
Vice-dean of science
Deputy-head of Material Testing and Measurement Laboratory
Specialization: mechanical engineer, mechanics of materials
Field of research: metal forming, sheet metal forming, failure modes, mechanical characterization of metallic materials
Publication list: https://vm.mtmt.hu//search/slist.php?nwi=1&inited=1&ty_on=1&url_on=1&cite_type=2&orderby=3D1a&location=mtmt&stn=1&AuthorID=10049820
Subjects: Principals of Metal Forming (BSc), Sheet Metal Forming (BSc), Mechanical Testing of Materials (BSc), Theory of Metal Forming (MSc), Die Design for Sheet Metal Forming (MSc)